

龙猫量化Web3站,极致短线选手,专注涨停股。 不玩虚的,每天推出的3到四支股票。必有涨停的。 你可以记录我每天早上出的股票。 高风险,高收益。高手可以尽量放低风险。 能不能发财是你自己的本事,我给你提供的是选择。

Let the data speak, time will prove everything! 【20230508】Data Sharing

You can see the high-quality stocks that came out in the morning. These are the main stocks that the funds are attacking.

I specifically chose this stock because it is in a relatively ideal state. I ask you, does a nearly 18-point increase in one day have an impact!


Closing check


You can also verify the multiple stocks in Figure 1. Most of them have good results. Of course, there may also be less ideal states. But after all, they are few. Please verify by yourself!
Longmao Quantitative, let the data speak!

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